Review of Deiss Lux Heavy Duty Pizza Cutter
Jake WoodburyShare
Deiss Lux Heavy Duty Pizza Cutter
(Not a sponsored review)
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Pizza Cutter Weight: 4.2oz
Wheel: Non-Stick coated Steel
Thumb Guard: Plastic
Handle: Silicone/Rubber
Wheel Arm: Plastic
Blade First Sharpness Test: 1770
Blade Leeb Hardness: 453
Blade Angle: 20°
Blade: Double Bevel
Blade Disassembly: Impossible
Blade Guard: Thin clear plastic
Blade Washers: Metal
Blade Size: 3.5"
Blade Width: 0.9mm
Blade Wobble: 3.4mm
The Deiss Lux Heavy Duty Pizza Cutter with plastic cover.
Deiss Lux without plastic cover.
Back of Diess Lux Pizza Cutter.
My first thoughts with the Deiss Lux Pizza cutter. It claims to be a heavy duty pizza cutter, but it's very lightweight. The blade wobble is lower then most and I can apply solid pressure without feeling like the blade is going to buckle sideways.
The handle great textured silicone grip and the angle is good. The wheel arm and thumb guard are both made of seamless plastic. While it will clean up easily and should not cause much of a concern. I wouldn't necessarily call this pizza cutter "heavy duty".
Sharpness right out of the box, the double bevel blade scored at 1770, and running my thumb across I could not feel any rolled edge, but the sharpness strangely improved after the abuse test of running the wheel 100 times (50 times back and forth) along our pizza steel. It still cuts pizza fine as do most dull pizza cutters.
Blade width, measured at 0.9mm thick and seemed to have some wobble and play at 3.4mm but the steel washer and closeness to the wheel arm help to keep the wobble in check.
The weight of the Diess Lux pizza cutter came in at 4.2oz. It feels very light and unbalanced as everything but the wheel is made of plastic.
Cleaning Was much easier due to the non-stick coating on the wheel. Just running under hot water took the majority of the grease and cheese off the wheel with minimal scrubbing.
Disassembly Is not possible with this pizza cutter.
Extra notes: I appreciate that this pizza cutter came with a cover. It's nothing amazing and quite difficult to slide back in but it's better then nothing.
1. Weight of Pizza Cutter 5 of 10
2. Sharpness of Pizza Cutter 2 of 10
3. Edge Durability 3 of 10
4. Blade hardness 5 of 10
5. Blade Angle (double bevel) 5 of 10
6. Wiggle of blade 7 of 10
7. Ease of cleaning 6 of 10
8. Safety Features 7 of 10
9. Price 8 of 10
10. Personal Score 7 of 10
Final Pizza Review Score: 55