Pizza Review - Gorilla Grip Pizza Cutter Wheel - Red

Pizza Review - Gorilla Grip Pizza Cutter Wheel - Red

Jacob Woodbury

Gorilla Grip - Pizza Cutter Wheel

(Not a sponsored review)

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Pizza Cutter Weight: 5.3oz
Thumb Guard: Chrome painted cast aluminum
Handle: Silicone/Rubber

Blade First Sharpness Test: 1450
Blade Abuse Sharpness Test: 1790
Blade Leeb Hardness:
Blade Angle: 32.5°
Blade: Single Bevel
Blade Disassembly: Impossible
Blade Guard: None
Blade Washers: Plastic
Blade Size: 3.5"
Blade Width: 0.09
Blade Wobble: Yes

Front of Gorilla Grip Pizza Cutter

Back of Gorilla Grip Pizza Cutter


We reviewed the Gorilla Grip Pizza Cutter wheel. My initial thoughts were that the grip was comfortable and the construction seemed adequate but unimpressive. We used it to cut pizza and overall most everyone was pleased with it's performance and feel.

The handle has a good nice rubber or silicone grip but the overall height of the wheel at 3.5" makes it feel tall and unstable to me.

Sharpness right out of the box, the single bevel blade scored pretty low for sharpness at 1450 which initially indicates a "severely rolled edge". After running the wheel 100 times (50 times back and forth) along our pizza steel for the abuse test it scored 1790 which indicates a "edge broken or torn". At this point the sharpness of the blade doesn't matter as I can feel the blade has a rolled edge that would need to be removed.

Blade width, measured at 0.09 and seemed to have some wobble and play but it didn't feel thin or overly cheap.

The weight of the Gorilla Grip pizza cutter is lighter then you might think at 5.3oz. The thumb guard seems to have a cast seam which indicates it's most likely a chrome painted aluminum guard.

Cleaning and Disassembly are not possible with the design of this pizza cutter, the wheel is permanently attached to a single steel arm with a set of black plastic washers on each side. There are no adjustments to tighten the blade to the arm.


1. Weight of Pizza Cutter 6 of 10
2. Sharpness of Pizza Cutter 3 of 10
3. Edge Durability 2 of 10
4. Blade hardness 5 of 10
5. Blade Angle (single bevel) 7 of 10
6. Wiggle of blade 5 of 10
7. Ease of cleaning 3 of 10
8. Safety Features 6 of 10
9. Price 6 of 10
10. Personal Score 6 of 10

Final Pizza Review Score: 49

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